Saturday, December 1, 2012


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all  who visit here!
His Holy Spirit gives us the gifts of guidance, strength and comfort
 through Prophetic Prayer.  He is the gift that lasts forever!
Please place your prophetic prayer request
as a Comment at the bottom of this Post where you see a number in blue,
not under any other heading.
While Prophecy is free of charge,donations are requested
 and are used for Missions and Missions trips.

Thursday, November 1, 2012


November 2012 
Prophetic Prayer Requests
should be placed at the bottom of this Post as a Comment
 not under any other heading,please!
Your prophetic picture will be posted as a Reply to your request.
God longs to surprise & delight you while building up your Spirit .
Donate Now!
If Jesus is not your Savior, receive Him now
 to obtain  eternal life & blessings both in Heaven & on earth!

Monday, October 1, 2012


You are here by Divine Appointment!
God has a special prophetic picture for you.
Each picture is different so let God minister
to you by reading the Blog  Archives
Ask as a Comment (in Blue at the bottom of this post).
Your  Reply will be posted at the bottom of your request.
Plant a Seed here for Blessings that send 
God's life-giving words Worldwide!
May the Lord touch you with His love!

Saturday, September 1, 2012


The Lord loves building up His people with prophetic pictures just like Jesus used!
Ask as a Comment (in blue) at the bottom of this Post. 
Read through the words given to others
as you are you awaiting yours and be greatly blessed.
Only request prayer under this heading if you ask this month! Thanks!
If you requested in August 2012 your prophetic pic. will be Posted in August 2012.
September Requests are answered here not in October 2012
Love you with the love of the Lord!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


The Love of God is shed abroad
to build up  the Church ( Christians) worldwide.
Follow this Blog and be blessed.
Make your Prophetic Prayer Request, only under this heading
August 01> August 2012 Request Here Too
as a Comment by clicking at the bottom of this Post.
Your Prophetic Prayer Picture & Word will be 
published as a Reply to your request underneath it.
Welcome Holy Spirit!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Follow this Blog and be blessed.
Please make your Prophetic Prayer Request only under the heading
August 01> August 2012 Request Here Too, not here or any  other Post, as a Comment.
Welcome Holy Spirit and welcome to you!

Sunday, July 1, 2012


The Lord longs to bring refreshing,
and sometimes a chuckle
with His life-giving prophetic pictures.
Please place your request as
a Comment under this heading.
Requests are answered in the
month they are received.
Be blessed here!
Love, Jane

Monday, June 25, 2012

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Jesus Watering Flowers

I saw  all of you on my Blog
as flowers in a garden that 
Jesus was watering with a watering can filled with Holy Water.
Soak it in now & grow in His love.
Ask for prophetic prayer by clicking on the Blog Archives heading June 01/June 2012 Request Here. Browse thru the Comments under each Post as you wait for your own pic.
You will be so blessed.

Saturday, June 16, 2012


Build up
Prayer Muscles
Not Worry Muscles
Ask for prophetic prayer by clicking on the Blog Archives heading June 01/June 2012 Request Here. Browse thru the Comments under each Post as you wait for your own pic.
You will be so blessed.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Continual Love


Ask for prophetic prayer under the heading June 01/June 2012 Request Here.
 Your answer will also be here as a Reply.

Saturday, June 2, 2012



The devil didn't
give it to you
the devil
can't take it away!
 Ask for prophetic prayer under the heading June 01/June 2012 Request Here.
 Your answer will also be here as a Reply.There is no fee but you are asked to give a thank you offering by giving by credit card via Paypal.
Hugs of appreciation.   Love, Jane

Friday, June 1, 2012

June 2012 Request Here

God longs to touch your heart and life. If you are requesting prophetic prayer in the month of June, 2012 please ask as  a Comment  at the bottom of this Post. Be delighted as you browse thru God's pictures for others in the Blog Archives as you await your own picture from Him. Be blessed here/ Love, Jane

Monday, May 28, 2012


The Lord showed me 2 plants today.
 Both were planted in very rich soil.
One was thriving the other
was struggling to survive.
 It actually preferred dry, sandy soil to thrive.
The Lord compared this to Mother Teresa 
sleeping on a wooden board with poor orphans
 instead of on a bed in a mansion.
 Ask God which is best for you.

Friday, May 25, 2012


The Lord showed me a picture
 of a person looking thru binoculars.
We have a way to see far ahead 
by the Holy Spirit.
Write your prophetic  prayer
 requests as a Comment
under May 01 May 2012 Request Here 
 Your answer will also be there as a Reply,
Pray about supporting  this ministry.
Holy Hugs, Jane

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

God's Pick- me Up

i saw God picking up the pieces of
a shattered clay urn. 
He is restoring shattered lives.

Saturday, May 19, 2012


The Lord showed  me a green lawn with lots of dandelions.He showed me that  Christians are like dandelions,, bright. beautiful and spreading the word as air-bound seeds to reproduce but they are wild and many people don't want them in their gardens but they-persist in growing anyway!Read the Comments below for more comparisons!
Follow this Blog!  Ask for prophetic prayer as a Comment in the Blog Archives under May 01/May2012 Request Here.  God has something special for you. Love. Jane

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Art In The Church


Ask for Prophetic Prayer unde the Blog Archives
 heading May 01/May2012 Repeat Here.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Help Wanted

God doesn't advertise His jobs in the Help Wanted section of the newspaper or on The Bible says to stay in the same kind o  work you are already doing after you get saved but God adds a Holy twist to it!. His gifts become our life's work.Where there  is hurt there is the help of a Healing gift  wanted. Where there is discouragement a prophetic gift,  and other needs met by preaching and teaching,

Sunday, May 13, 2012


God is revealing the  life of Nicelandic people..
You can tell  by:
* :Our language
*  Our financial system
*  Our King
*  Our laws
^  Our freedom
^  Our joy
^ The way we treat our enemies
 Ask for prophecy at 
May01/May2012 Request Here..


Saturday, May 12, 2012


I saw Jesus washing heads with a washcloth.
Be transformed by His clean  mind!
Ask for prophecy at 
May01/May2012 Request Here..

Sunday, May 6, 2012

No Condemnation!

I heard a silence after the enemy was defeated but he had left behind a video recorder that endlessly played back people's sins, that Jesus had already forgiven/ to keep them feeling guilty but the Lord had shown us the Stop icon! Hehehe!
Please ask for prayer under May 01>May 2012 Request Here as a Comment using Initials or a Screen Name. 
xoxoxoxo  Jane

Friday, May 4, 2012

Burdens Lifted

I saw  a picture of my Blog Followers kneeling on the floor in prayer lines that we often see in churches.  Each person carried a different kind of burden. Some looked light and fluffy but blocked reality, some were as dark and heavy as lead. some were covering just the eyes stopping the people from seeing a the direction God was leading. Jesus walked along the lines imparting light that vapourized the burden. I see Him doing that even now as you read this. Thank you Lord!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May 2012 Request Here

God longs to touch your heart and life. If you are requesting prophetic prayer in the month of May, 2012 please ask as  a Comment  at the bottom of this Post. Be delighted as you browse thru God's pictures for others in the Blog Archives as you await your own picture from Him. Be blessed here/ Love, Jane

Beef Stew

The Lord showed me a picture of a huge stew pot that He had filled with Living Water.,This was the point of contact,asYWAM;s John Kim calls it. The place and vision God had called people to gather round to  add to the stew that would feed the nations.  One man brought a lot of beef,cut into cubes and he added them to the stew, others added  vegetables of various kinds and one poor woman added just one small pea.What a delicious stew to provide for God's people and what a beautiful way to do  it!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

No Turning Back

The Lord showed me a picture of a person who had been deeply injured by an event in their life.  Jesus stood in front ot the person holding out His arms to give comfort but the person backed away so far that they did not realize that they were at the edge of a rocky cliff. made of sharp rocks that led to a bottomless pit.
 If you or anyone you know are blaming God go quickly to Him to receive forgiveness and comfort before it is too late
Love, Jano

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Energy Drink

The Holy Spirit pours out Living Water to satisfy our thirsty souls and renew our strength.  It is not for sale at the corner store or in the Pop Machine.  The cost has been paid by Jesus.  We only need to ask!
Drink, drink. drink!

Monday, April 23, 2012


You are His favourite
I am His favourite
Jesus is His favourite
God loves us just as much as He loves Jesus!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Future - a vision

The Lord opened up a picture of a whole-house TV that was supposedly meant to help you communicate with your friends but was actually government agencies spying on innocent people. Every movement was recorded, even going to the toilet.Privacy was gone. There was no more cooking of meals or shopping for the ingredients to create a meal.You could choose from a menu on the Wall TV and open a compartment in the wall to receive it. There was no charge for food.  Everyone in the world was fed the same menu. There were no cultural variations but optimally healthy vitamins & trace minerals were added to prevent sickness and save money for the Health Care system. Penalties were charged for sickness.Pray for freedom!

Need A Miracle?

Expect a Miracle
but don't tell God how to do it!
Ask for Prophetic Prayer under
April 01>April 2012 Request Here

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Blog Archives

You will be amazed, delighted and touched as you read through  the Comments
 under each Post in the Blog Archives. The Comments contain the pictures
 given to each person and God intends to speak to each person  to comfort,
 build up, teach and bless you! 
 Every word given since my Blog  started in 2010is listed in the Blog Archives
as a number beside the date,
 So happy you are here! Be blessed reading the Comments!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Red-headed Children Of Leaders

I had a dream last night about being in an Airport with my husband. As we rolled our luggage along the walk to catch the plane we noticed several children aged about 5-12  who were  Asian  but had red hair.  As we wondered who the father was we noticed a large rather overweight, tough looking man with exactly the same red hair in a brush-cut.Obviously he was the father!
Interpretation:  We look just like our Leaders or Spiritual fathers.. We have the same genes (the red hair), similar thoughts and stuff in our heads). If there is  heaviness spiritually and bodily it will show in the lives of spiritual well as the good reflections of holiness..The Apostle Paul wrote about this.
Much to be learned about leadership through this picture.
Be blessed! Love, Jane

Monday, April 16, 2012

Foot Wash

As Jesus washed
your feet 
He asked 
"Are you willing
 to serve?"
Ask for prophetic prayer  in the Blog Archive  
 April 01>April 2012 Request Here.
I love to prophesy for you!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Leading Worship

" Choose to give your audience (Congregation) either heat or light.  Heat stirs up the  Audience's emotions but light brings joyful participation."  Mike Wallace,- American TV Interviewer who died recently.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Toby Mugs

Toby Mugs are delightful depictions
 of peoples' heads and jolly faces
 painted on  porcelain cups
The Lord showed me a picture of 
each of you filled with living water from Heaven
 and overflowing to all you encountered.
Ask for prayer in April 2012 Request Here
 (April 01) in the Blog Archive.  Love you!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Doors Behind

The Lord showed me a picture of a person opening a door full of holy light and promise.  Behind were  many doors the person had already been through. The Lord spoke "They can't go back and change anything. It is foolish to try. Just leave your past with God. He will take care of it If you need to ask forgivrness in the now He will tell you.," Just keep moving forward thru each door. - Jane Holland

Monday, April 9, 2012


The wonderful  words and pictures you see here from God
 are freely given . There is no charge  but I spend many hours in prayer
 for you as well as being English Administrator at YWAM.
When  you give as little as $3 you give to expand the Kingdom of God.
It is an exciting time to be in God's will!  Blessings, Jane
Click on Comments (in blue below) to  see how!


The Lord showed me a picture
 of each of us on a swing 
with Jesus pushing lightly  at the back
 higher and higher in the air
filled with joy
and love!
Ask for prophetic  prayer under
 April 2012 Request Here,
 as a Comment.
Please use a Screen Name or initials.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter

He came that we may 
experience what life
 really is!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Easter 2012

My suffering
is nothing
compared to taking
 the sins
of the whole world
at once!
Thank you Jesus


From death to life
Jesus has rolled away the stone 
that imprisoned us
to burst forth 
because He loves us!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

April 2012 Request Here

God has led you here to receive encouragement and newness of life.  Please click where it says a number & Comments, scroll to the very bottom and type in your prayer request,  Your answer will be Posted as a Reply, not by Email  or otherwise. It can take more than a week as I seek God for each of  you. Read through the Comments in the Blog Archives you request will be seen under this heading no place else. Check in the Blog Archive under April 01 to get your word/pic. Bless you!!!xoxoxo  Jane

Friday, March 30, 2012


The Lord showed me a  person wearing  a coat with many pockets, some small some deep. People kept   stuffing the person's pockets  so much that the money overflowed onto the ground. A wind came and blew it all away.

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Ask for all your needs
large or small
then act in faith.
"Let the weak say I am strong.
 let the poor say I am rich
because of what
the Lord has done for me:"

Monday, March 26, 2012


The Lord showed me a long road filled with people following a Band Leader who swung a baton in rhythm.  Every once in a while the Band Leader would notice someone off on the roadside who was being whipped and beaten by a cruel master. He would go to the roadside, grab the whip in one hand & the baton in the other while guiding the person to an open  place in the line, The whip turned into a baton and the Leader passed the original baton to the person directly behind him.  Occasionally he would ask that the baton be passed back to someone far back in the line. Consider godly leadership.  Jane

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Swimming with Jesus

In a vision, the Lord took me swimming.  We were out deep  in the ocean way over my head.  The Lord picked me up under my arms and threw me a long distance in the water.  As I plummeted into the deep water I feared I would drown when suddenly the Lord scooped me up lifting me high in the air laughing. Three times He threw me out into the water and each time I feared for my life.  The third and final time  I opened my eyes underwater and was reassured to see His hand reaching toward me.  This time He lifted me high in the air laughing and saying "Isn't this fun?!"   "Not  really, hehehehe!"  I answered.     xoxoxo Jane

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Hi God
Once I get beyond my own struggles
 I can rest in you!
I need your light today
to to guide me through
this dark world
and your  Holy Spirit
to be a light to others
Thank you!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Dumpstera/Where Does Sin Go?

The Lord showed me 3 dumpsters the kind you see at Construction sites/ The one to the left side was labeled Garbage, on the right side was labeled Recycling  and the one in the middle glowed so brightly I could not see its name-
In the Garbage dumpster were all our sins: our pride, our selfishness, our unforgiveness our fleshly activities.  In the Recycling Dumpster were our sins that could be used as before and after stories- as testimonies to draw the unsaved to Christ, gifts, ,our talents and good habits. our efficiencies. and learned skills,   The middle container continually glowed with the most beautiful brightness.  I asked the name of this container and  I heard "Holiness!"  As I looked again at the Garbage dumpster I thought that  God may open the pit of hell to  dump the garbage there but realized Jesus had already taken them on the cross and these were just the dead carcases/ Suddenly the Garbage dumpster opened and with  huge power spewed forth  the contents.  I knew they were being sent  as far as the east is from the west.Be blessed and freed. Love, Jane

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Divine Appoinmtments

This is a
Divine Appointment.
It is no accident that you are here
to seek God's prophetic pictures.
He loves His people
Ask for prophetic ministry by clicking  the Blog Archive (lower right side of page)  click on 
March 2012, then March 01, 
 then click on the bottom of  that Post where it gives the # of Comments on
March 2012 Request Here 
& scroll down til there is a blank  Space
 to post your Comment.ive the pic from God as a Reply, 
Love to you!  Jane

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Get on the bus!

God was doing dramatic things by the Holy Spirit when a friend shared this vision. He saw a lot of people from our congregation getting on a big tour bus.He ran into the church office to pack his briefcase and a  suitcase of clothes.  The bus started to take off just as he gpt there.  People were leaning out and shouting "Get on the bus.  Hurry up"  He surged forward and got on the bus just as the doors were closing.  He sat in a window seat and looked back to see some of the church elders going through his papers to see what they could use for ministry or to condemn him, Let's run for direction God is going & leavve our luggage behind!

Thursday, March 15, 2012


We may catch a few fish
 on our own 
but the word of the Lord
 brings an overflowing net!
Ask and believe it!
Thank you Jesus!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Tea Bag

The Lord showed me 
a Tea Bag brewing
in hot water
and compared it to
getting infused with His Spirit
soaking in His presence.
Thank you, Lord

Sunday, March 11, 2012


Tell your friends 
to visit and ask for 
prophetic prayer  
(See Blog Archives-March 01>
March 2012 Request Here)
God wants to bless
and strengthen
 the Church
Always Ask in the month you are requesting .
Your  prophetic pic will be there too.
Holy hugs, Jane

Saturday, March 10, 2012


God can do even more
than we can 
when we ask in the name of Jesus!
Ask & Post at March 01. 2012 Request Here in the Blog Archive

Thursday, March 8, 2012


As the Apostle Paul said
"Appolos planted.  I watered"
Here I am with the word  of the Lord
to keep you growing
by the Holy Spirit's prophetic pictures!
Young plants need nurturing; 
older plants can become root-bound.
 all need the rain of Heaven
and healthy soil/
Ask & Post at March 2012 Request Here

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

You are unique

Just as you are unique
so is the Holy Spirit's prophetic picture.
for you.
Each one is different.
some are gentle correction
some make you burst out laughing

Ask & read pix as a Comment in 
March 2012 Request Here

Monday, March 5, 2012


I  began to laugh when the Holy Spirit told me to tell you that "We glow in the dark." Then He reminded me that we are a light in the darkness, not to hide our lights under a bushel, to be like a city set on a hill, to keep our lamps lit and to let Jesus shine in us,  Glow on!
Ask & Receive Prayer at Blog Archive February 2012> February 2012 Request Here,Be blessed!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

You Need A Vision

"Without a vision the people perish/"
Proverbs 29 v 18
No God-given vision. yet?
Ask for Prophetic Prayer !
 See March 2012 Request Here to
 make a request as a Comment/
Click the Comments under each Post  as you
 await your own prophetic word.
Be blessed here!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

March 2012 Request Here

God longs to comfort, strengthen you and speak into your life.
Please make your Prophetic Ministry requests here in the Comments (Click where it says 40 Comments or whatever number are there) at the bottom of this Post..This is where your word/pic will be Posted  so please keep checking as it can take over a week before it is given.  Browse thru the Blog Archives on the lower right side of the Page and be extra blessed by the wondrous pictures God has given to others before your  Prophetic prayer requests are  answered under this heading, which is the month in which they are requested.
Love, Jane

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I saw a picture of Jesus
 wearing a big backpack
 that carried all our burdens
 then laid them out at our Father's feet..
to be removed as far as the east is from the west
Ask for Prayer & Post in
 February 2012 Request Here . 

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Washed Up

We are washed up.
 no fun anymore,
.as far as the world is concerned.
We are washed in the blood of the Lamb
Our sins are forgiven
We  have a new purpose
and new desires
changed daily from glory to glory
washed up!
Ask for  Prophetic Prayer in the Blog Archives (lower right side )>February>
February 01>February 2012 Request Here> Click Comments  (in blue at bottom 
of Post )  scroll down til you see a blank space for your request. Keep this free ministry going by your generous thank offerings. Bless you! Love Jane

Friday, February 24, 2012

Shut The Door

I saw a door.
It seemed like you had the choice
whether to let the accuser
 into your life or not.
I heard the Lord say
" Tell him that person
 doesn't live here anymore

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Recall Victory!

When you feel nothing is working,
 the same problems go on and on
 and your thoughts try to convince you
 of total failure
The times God came through
He will do it again, maybe differently but
He will help again!

Monday, February 20, 2012

New Mantle

The Lord showed me a picture of all who read this receiving a new mantle that, as you lifted up your arms  the mantle slipped right over your heads. I was told it was a mantle of righteousness and holiness that everyone could see & be affected by. & that often people would weep & beg to receive Jesus just being in your presence.
Thank you Father.
 Ask for prophetic ministry in February under the Blog Archives heading February 01/February 2012 Request Here as a Comment.  Thanks & bless you!

Saturday, February 18, 2012


We are forgiven but we are flawed,
 still being changed 
 into the image of Christ.
 Speed up the process by 
doing as Jesus says "Go and sin no more!"
Ask for prophetic ministry in February under the Blog Archives heading February 01/February 2012 Request Here as a Comment.  Thanks & bless you!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Like Doubting Thomas 
we need proof that  Christ is alive,
 to feel Him, know His love and experience Him in our lives.
 We just have to ask!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Valentines Day

I'm my Beloved's
 and He is mine.
 His banner over us is Love!
So glad He picked us out for each other ! 
Love, Jane
Click on February 2012 Request Here. in the Blog Archives (Feb.01) to ask for 
Prophetic Prayer.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Try This !


A pinch of Salt
A Pinch of Sugar
A Pinch of Baking Soda
A Pinch of Powdered Ginger
 Stirred in a glass of warm Water
Once a day, especially in hot weather.
No Medical claims are made. 
Do not use if allergic to ingredients.

Friday, February 10, 2012


Waiting for Gd
is well worth it!
I have the impression that many people have unfulfilled dreams, desires and promises.
Hang on & keep believing!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

God's Trans-Canada/Trans-World Pipeline

The Lord showed me His Trans-Canada / Trans-World Pipeline.  Pipelines extended all around the earth to every nation, even crossing oceans and all bodies of water. Pipes reached up from the earth to Heaven where God filled them up with oil which flowed back to fill the saints.
Click February 2012 Request Here in the Blog Archives (Lower right side) under the date February 1, 2012 to ask for prophetic ministry as a Comment. Your answer will also appear there. Be blessed here!

Sunday, February 5, 2012


A picture from a YWAM  Student. God showed her a piece of needlepoint that was finished on the outside but a mess of threads on the inside. The Lord warned  her to quit looking inside so much at her messy life and see herself as God sees her;:a finished work in Christ.Jesus. A good word to all of us.

Friday, February 3, 2012

How To Support This Ministry

If the Lord has given you a prophetic word that really speaks  you or if you just enjoy reading the wondrous pictures given to others please offer even a bit of .support. I spend may hours in prayer for you and train Missionaries to go all over the world on Staff with YWAM Toronto (A Registered Charitable Organization).
Thank you! You may give offerings at
or send a cheque to:
Jane Holland
1 Catherine St.,
Caledon, ON
L7K 2N6
0r by Visa or MasterCard.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

February 2012 Request Here


Please make Prophetic ministry requests here in the Comments (Click where it says 40 Comments or whatever number are there) at the bottom of this Post..This is where your word/pic will be Posted  so please keep checking as it can take over a week before it is given.  Browse thru the Blog Archives on the lower right side of the Page and be extra blessed by the wondrous pictures God has given to others before your  Prophetic prayer requests are  answered under this heading, which is the month in which they are requested.
Love, Jane

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Holy Pipeline

The Lord showed me a Pipeline
that went from the earth to heaven,
where it sent back oil to fill believers.
Get under the spout
where the glory pours out!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Escalator

The Lord has asked me to share the rest of my dream about the Escalator  which is mentioned in the Post titled The Tower of Babel:
While ascending the escalator my co-worker asked me to carry her Bible and Notebook along with my own. It was a very heavy load.  When we reached the top floor it had many small shops sort of like they have in Hotels and Airports. There was a Travel Agency, a Dress Shop. a Jewellery Store and many others. As I appreciated the shops I realized I had lost the heavy books I was carrying and I became very concerned that we did not have our Bibles. The Interpretation follows in the Comments below.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Tower of Babel

I had a dream recently that I feel led to Share. I was on an escalator in a huge Department Store. I was with  Deborah, a  Translator for our YWAM Base. I was wearing a long-sleeved T-shirt with the Lord's Prayer written in many languages, even Swahili and Eskimo & she knew them & read them out. . She asked me where I got the shirt & I knew it was from my Father. Asking for an Interpretation of the dream the Lord showed me that there was great sin in Babylon & confusing people with strange languages would prevent evil knowledge from   being passed on.. Today He is restoring all things and because of the spread of righteousness in Christ all over the world, one language can be used again.  Is it English?  Maybe!
Please place your prophetic prayer request as a Comment under the Blog Archives heading 
January 2012 Request Here.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Read the Comments for blessings

All prophetic Prayer requests are answered under the heading of the month  in which you have requested.  If you ask in January 2012 please request prayer as a Comment under that heading. Your prayer answer will also appear as a Comment under that heading.It is God's desire for me to consider  the  prophetic  prayer pictures He gives me for each person to be a priority so please browse all of thr Comments, right from day one, to be touched and changed by God.  Thanks for being so open to God!  I love you all!  Jane

Thursday, January 19, 2012

God Laughs!

God laughs, sings and dances!  As you read thru these Posts you will notice lots of singing and dancing pictures God has given to me to bless His people! He also weeps with those who weep and I do too as He shares His heart in pictures. for your benefit. You will probably find that the word given to you will keep coming back with new meaning or direction over a period of many years.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

January 2012 Request Here

  This is a Christian Ministry. Words given here are intended to build up believers .I am under the spiritual covering of both my local church and the ministry where I work Youth With A Mission. Please make Prophetic ministry requests here in the Comments (Click where it says 40 Comments or whatever number are there) at the bottom of this Post..This is where your word/pic will be Posted  so please keep checking as it can take over a week before it is given.  Browse thru the Blog Archives on the lower right side of the Page and be extra blessed by the wondrous pictures God has given to others before you/  Love, Jane