Monday, May 28, 2012


The Lord showed me 2 plants today.
 Both were planted in very rich soil.
One was thriving the other
was struggling to survive.
 It actually preferred dry, sandy soil to thrive.
The Lord compared this to Mother Teresa 
sleeping on a wooden board with poor orphans
 instead of on a bed in a mansion.
 Ask God which is best for you.

Friday, May 25, 2012


The Lord showed me a picture
 of a person looking thru binoculars.
We have a way to see far ahead 
by the Holy Spirit.
Write your prophetic  prayer
 requests as a Comment
under May 01 May 2012 Request Here 
 Your answer will also be there as a Reply,
Pray about supporting  this ministry.
Holy Hugs, Jane

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

God's Pick- me Up

i saw God picking up the pieces of
a shattered clay urn. 
He is restoring shattered lives.

Saturday, May 19, 2012


The Lord showed  me a green lawn with lots of dandelions.He showed me that  Christians are like dandelions,, bright. beautiful and spreading the word as air-bound seeds to reproduce but they are wild and many people don't want them in their gardens but they-persist in growing anyway!Read the Comments below for more comparisons!
Follow this Blog!  Ask for prophetic prayer as a Comment in the Blog Archives under May 01/May2012 Request Here.  God has something special for you. Love. Jane

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Art In The Church


Ask for Prophetic Prayer unde the Blog Archives
 heading May 01/May2012 Repeat Here.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Help Wanted

God doesn't advertise His jobs in the Help Wanted section of the newspaper or on The Bible says to stay in the same kind o  work you are already doing after you get saved but God adds a Holy twist to it!. His gifts become our life's work.Where there  is hurt there is the help of a Healing gift  wanted. Where there is discouragement a prophetic gift,  and other needs met by preaching and teaching,

Sunday, May 13, 2012


God is revealing the  life of Nicelandic people..
You can tell  by:
* :Our language
*  Our financial system
*  Our King
*  Our laws
^  Our freedom
^  Our joy
^ The way we treat our enemies
 Ask for prophecy at 
May01/May2012 Request Here..


Saturday, May 12, 2012


I saw Jesus washing heads with a washcloth.
Be transformed by His clean  mind!
Ask for prophecy at 
May01/May2012 Request Here..

Sunday, May 6, 2012

No Condemnation!

I heard a silence after the enemy was defeated but he had left behind a video recorder that endlessly played back people's sins, that Jesus had already forgiven/ to keep them feeling guilty but the Lord had shown us the Stop icon! Hehehe!
Please ask for prayer under May 01>May 2012 Request Here as a Comment using Initials or a Screen Name. 
xoxoxoxo  Jane

Friday, May 4, 2012

Burdens Lifted

I saw  a picture of my Blog Followers kneeling on the floor in prayer lines that we often see in churches.  Each person carried a different kind of burden. Some looked light and fluffy but blocked reality, some were as dark and heavy as lead. some were covering just the eyes stopping the people from seeing a the direction God was leading. Jesus walked along the lines imparting light that vapourized the burden. I see Him doing that even now as you read this. Thank you Lord!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May 2012 Request Here

God longs to touch your heart and life. If you are requesting prophetic prayer in the month of May, 2012 please ask as  a Comment  at the bottom of this Post. Be delighted as you browse thru God's pictures for others in the Blog Archives as you await your own picture from Him. Be blessed here/ Love, Jane

Beef Stew

The Lord showed me a picture of a huge stew pot that He had filled with Living Water.,This was the point of contact,asYWAM;s John Kim calls it. The place and vision God had called people to gather round to  add to the stew that would feed the nations.  One man brought a lot of beef,cut into cubes and he added them to the stew, others added  vegetables of various kinds and one poor woman added just one small pea.What a delicious stew to provide for God's people and what a beautiful way to do  it!